Our place has quite a pale colour scheme, but our ceilings are all tongue and groove pine and as much as I disliked all the pine when we first moved in, I'm actually kinda liking the wood up there now (ssshhhh.. don't tell my guy that!). I think having painted all the trim and the kitchen cabinets (post on that still to come), it cut down on the amount of wood which is now making me appreciate the ceiling all the more. So whether your look is Hamptons cottage or Vermont cabin, here are some other spaces that ooze cozy...

[me and alice; 2, 8 elle decor; 3, 7 chic coles; 4, 9 mairie claire maison;
better homes and gardens; sarah richardson]
And thanks to Meeling over at The Hairy Peach for presenting me with the Stylish Blogger Award! I'm tickled pink! :)
the last house that I lived in before I married was a 1930's cottage. Every room had wood ceilings with painted murals. I will always treasure that little space and I hope to recreate a similar one some day.
Absolutely love the first photo and the kitchen photo with the exposed beams. Ah, love the simplicity, its ucomplicated quality. Have a beautiful day ~ xox Alexandra (freezing here!)
Love the second photo down...looks so cozy!
I love tongue and groove ceilings, I like them white if the rest of the room is brightly colored or wood if the rest of the room is pale.
Great rooms you found!
Oh my gosh, LOVE all of these. Give me exposed beams and rustic wooden tables any day. The wood cuts on the wall are especially clever!
Gorgeous spaces! I really miss having wood after moving out of my log home 5 years ago so I'm dying to cover my huge expanse of ceiling with wood! This makes me want to do it right now!!
Love, love, love. I'd move into any of these!
One of these years we'll get a cabin! Love all the wood. Sigh.
Have a lovely snowy day! We're in the middle of a 7 day stretch of rain.
A cabin in the mountains and by a lake - someday. I like the logs in the 2nd to last photo, how even they all are. I wouldn't want to use them because they look so cool - like that last clock, nice.
I understand about the wood....I love it too but only in small doses. These are amazing spaces and definetly make me feel cozy and warm with all this cold weather!
Loving the wooden beams! Feels so cozy! And that giant clock is just amazing! Have a lovely day, Kellie xx
Congrats on your
award, oh stylish
one! And yes, please,
I WOOD love any of
these rooms. I seem
to be drawn more and
more to images like
these as I grow older.
It's the simplicity,
I think. Lovely images,
xx Suzanne
Great spaces. Look so welcoming and warm!
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